Employment Opportunity – Planner I/II (Transportation):

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is seeking a Transportation Planner to assist with the administration of SCCOG’s transportation planning program, participate in comprehensive planning activities and functions, and provides assistance to member municipalities. A successful candidate will have experience with project management and with analyzing and presenting data and preparing technical written reports. The candidate’s previous experience in and/or willingness to increase knowledge about transportation planning processes will be critically evaluated.

This position is open until close of business, March 25th, or until filled.

Full Description – Planner I/II (Transportation)

Employment Webpage

Public Comment Period and Public Hearing – Air Quality Conformity Determination:

A public comment period for the adoption of “Ozone and PM2.5 Air Quality Conformity Determination of the 2019-2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plans and the 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Programs, As Amended” begins March 2, 2022 and ends April 20, 2022.

A public hearing will be held at the regular SCCOG Board Meeting scheduled Wednesday, April 20, 2022 via Zoom videoconference/teleconference. A meeting agenda and participation instructions will be posted here to the Meetings page approximately one week prior to the meeting. Written comments and questions may also be submitted to office@seccog.org and DOT.AQUnit@ct.gov.

“Conformity” is a requirement of the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) Section 176(c) (42 U.S.C.7506(c)) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conformity regulations (40 CFR 93 Subpart A). These regulations require that each new Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) be demonstrated to conform to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) before an MTP and TIP is approved by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) or accepted by the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT); the Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is a MPO. This process ensures that transportation projects in the MTP and TIP are consistent with air quality goals and that progress is made toward achieving and maintaining Federal air quality standards. A conformity determination is undertaken to estimate emissions from a transportation system and demonstrate that those emissions are within the limits outlined in State air quality implementation plans.

Ozone and PM2.5 Air Quality Conformity Determination of the 2019-2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plans and the 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Programs, As Amended

Draft Resolution on Conformity with the Clean Air Act, Ozone

  • If information is needed in another language, contact 860-889-2324, office@seccog.org.
  • Si necesita información en otro idioma, llame al 860-889-2324, office@seccog.org.
  • 如果您需要语言帮助, 请致电 860-889-2324 或发送电子邮件至 office@seccog.org.

Employment Opportunity – Zoning Enforcement Officer:

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is seeking a regional Zoning Enforcement Officer (ZEO) to serve in several municipalities. Duties include: receiving and investigating zoning violation complaints; issuing notices of violation; issuing cease and desist orders as necessary; issuing Certificates of Zoning Compliance; advising municipal Zoning Boards of Appeal (ZBA).

While this is intended to be a full-time position in the future as additional SCCOG member municipalities request this service, initially it will be a part-time contracted service with the successful applicant assigned to work in two municipalities. Applicants may express interest in both the initial part-time position and the future full-time position. The successful applicant for the immediately needed part-time position will be given priority for the future full-time position if/when the demand for this service by more towns presents itself.

Successful applicants will have experience in Zoning and/or Planning; Certification as a Certified Zoning Enforcement Officer preferred (will work with the successful applicant to achieve this certification).

This position is open until close of business, February 25, or until filled.

Full Description – Zoning Enforcement Officer

Employment webpage

Employment Opportunity – Transportation Planner:

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is seeking a Transportation Planner to assist with administering its comprehensive transportation planning program, as the region’s Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). A successful candidate will have experience with project management and with analyzing and
presenting data and preparing technical written reports.

This position is open until close of business, February 18th, or until filled.

Full Description – Transportation Planner

Employment Webpage

Employment Opportunity – Zoning Enforcement Officer:

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is seeking a regional Zoning Enforcement Officer (ZEO) to serve in several municipalities. Duties include: receiving and investigating zoning violation complaints; issuing notices of violation; issuing cease and desist orders as necessary; issuing Certificates of Zoning Compliance; advising municipal Zoning Boards of Appeal (ZBA).

This position is intended to be full-time; however, applicants interested in working on a part-time basis will be considered. Successful applicants will have a background in Zoning and/or Planning. Certification as a Certified Zoning Enforcement Officer is required by January 1, 2023.

Advertisement – Zoning Enforcement Officer

Employment webpage

RFQ – Two (2) Corridor Studies:

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is seeking to engage transportation firms to conduct two separate corridor studies. Firms may express interest in one or both studies; if a firm expresses interest in both studies, the firm will interview separately for each study.

Submission instructions and additional details are contained in the combined RFQ below. A FAQ document may be maintained and posted to the RFP/RFQ webpage. Submissions are due by 4:00 p.m. (EST) on Monday, November 19, 2021.

Combined Request for Qualifications (10/27/21)

Attachment A: Consultant Scope of Services (posted 11/1/2021)

RFP/RFQ webpage

State Route 32, New London Corridor Study (Project #094-0262)

State Route 32 in the City of New London, between Williams Street, New London and Benham Avenue, Waterford. The one-mile corridor including Connecticut College and the United States Coast Guard Academy (USCGA) is referred to as “College Hill District”. The study will analyze multimodal transportation accommodation and evaluate the impacts that new development and population increase will have on the existing transportation systems.

State Route 161, East Lyme Corridor Study (Project #044-0159)

State Route 161 in the Town of East Lyme, beginning at the driveway to East Lyme High School and ending the Route 161/Route 156 intersection. This study intends to examine the multimodal functionality of the road by analyzing corridor access and provide recommendations for corridor improvements. The study will address congestion, vehicular crashes, and improved bicycle and pedestrian access and comfort.

DEMHS Region 4 Regional Emergency Planning Team Approves FY 2021 Budget:

The Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP), Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS) Region 4 Regional Emergency Planning Team (REPT), which is composed of Chief Elected Officials form SCCOG and the Northeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (NECCOG), along with several CEOs from two other councils of governments, unanimously approved of a spending plan for FY 2021 Homeland Security Grant funds at a September 8, 2021 meeting. This budget will now be the subject of a grant application to DEMHS. Under the proposed budget, SCCOG will remain the fiduciary for the Region 4 REPT.

FY 2021 Approved Region 4 REPT Budget

White Paper – Municipal Regulation of Cannabis and Cannabis Establishments:

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments recently released a white paper on the topic of Public Act 21-1, which legalizes adult recreational cannabis use and retail sale. The paper titled Municipal Obligations Related to the Passage of Public Act 21-1: An Act Concerning Responsible and Equitable Regulation of Adult-Use Cannabis, establishes guidance for municipalities navigating the law’s land-use components, which include regulation through zoning and municipal ordinances.

SCCOG and the Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) Hold Joint Press Conference Requesting Statewide Mask Mandate:

The Southeastern Connecticut Council and the Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) held a joint press conference on Friday, August 20th, regarding separate requests made by both councils of governments, to the Office of the Governor, for a statewide mask mandate.

Chief elected officials at both councils of governments broadly feel that a statewide mask mandate, which would replace individual municipal mandates allowed by Executive Order 13A, would better address the recent uptick in COVID-19 transmission in the State of Connecticut. Further, a statewide mandate would be consistent with updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which recommends in-part that all vaccinated and unvaccinated persons wear facial masks in indoor public places, in “high-transmission” areas; five of Connecticut’s eight counties, including New London County and “high-transmission” areas.

Press Conference Recordings:
Audio | Video

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