Statutory Referrals

Staff Contact

Nicole Haggerty, AICP
Planner III

SCCOG reviews land-use referrals pursuant to Sections 8-3b, 8-23h(4), and 8-26b of the Connecticut General Statutes. Planning and/or Zoning commissions are required to notify Regional Councils of Governments when:

  • Hearing a proposed amendment to the zoning regulations or zoning map that would affect land within 500 feet of an adjoining municipality (Sec. 8-3b).
  • Hearing a proposed or amended Plan of Conservation and Development (Sec. 8-23h(4)).
  • Hearing or reviewing a proposal for subdivision of land that includes land in more than one municipality or that borders another municipality (8-26b).
Staff reviews proposals and prepares responses, giving consideration to negative inter-municipal impacts and consistency with the Regional Plan of Conservation and Development, if applicable.
  • Please submit statutory referrals via e-mail to
  • Attach or include a link to the subject regulation or map amendment, subdivision proposal, or draft Plan of Conservation and Development.
  • An automatic reply confirming receipt of the referral will be sent for your records.
  • Use of Certified Mail is also allowed by Statute, but discouraged.