Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) List
Adopted 2025-2028 TIP
TIP Narrative
SCCOG TIP Project List
2025-2028 TIP Detailed Project Information
Air Quality Conformity Determination 2024
Map of Projects
Adopted 2021-2024 TIP
Federal Fiscal Year 2023 Obligated Projects – SCCOG
Federal Fiscal Year 2022 Obligated Projects – SCCOG
Federal Fiscal Year 2021 Obligated Projects – SCCOG
TIP Project List (PDF) as of 4/17/2024
TIP Project List (Excel) as of 4/17/2024
Safety Projects Listing 8/6/24
2022 Tribal Transportation Program TIP (TTP TIP)
2021 Tribal Transportation Program TIP (TTP TIP)
Aviso Público: Programa de Mejora del Transporte
2018-2021 STIP/TIP Documents
Federal Fiscal Year 2020 Obligated Projects – SCCOG
Federal Fiscal Year 2019 Obligated Projects – SCCOG
Federal Fiscal Year 2018 Obligated Projects – SCCOG
SCCOG is currently preparing a 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program and is accepting public comments until April 19. Please click here to review draft documents and for instructions on how to submit comments.
The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is a Connecticut Department or Transportation (CTDOT) four-year planning document that lists all projects expected to be funded in those identified four years (2021-2024) with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) participation. The STIP is multi-modal and includes investments in various modes, such as transit, highways, and bicycle facilities. The STIP is the venue for implementing the goals and objectives identified in regional and State transportation plans. Regionally this document is called the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and includes all projects funded during the four-year subject time frame, both state and federally funded.
The FAST Act Federal transportation funding bill, in part, requires the TIP to be developed at least every four years. To cover a period of four years, the TIP must be financially constrained and demonstrate that the projects are fund-able through known funding sources. The TIP must also reflect air quality changes due to the scheduled transportation projects. These projects must be consistent with the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, and a public involvement process must meet Environmental Justice and Title IV requirements.
How do the STIP and TIP affect me?
The STIP and TIP are important documents that represent the direction of transportation capital improvements over a four-year period. Transportation infrastructure is vital to our modern world and includes roads and bridges, public transportation like buses and trains, as well as sidewalks, multi-use paths, and ferries.
If language assistance is needed, please contact SCCOG at 860-889-2324,
Si necesita asistencia lingüística, por favor comuníquese a 860-889-2324,