The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (SECOG) is seeking qualifications and proposals from firms to prepare a Compatible Use Plan (CUP) for Submarine Base (SUBASE) New London and surrounding municipalities that expands and updates the 2017 SUBASE Joint Land Use Plan

To complete the CUP, SECOG was awarded an Installation and Resilience Grant by the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation, which provides funding for projects that increase collaboration between military installations and their host communities. Qualified firms will have experience in community planning, development and land use issues, and military installation management and operations. RFP submissions are due to Lana Melonakos-Harrison, Planner II, at lmelonakosharrison@seccog.org, by February 7th, 2025 by 5:00 PM. 

Request for Proposals (PDF) 

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Certificate (PDF)

SECOG received the following questions regarding the RFP. The answer is also provided below:

Q: Would SECOG facilitate access to municipal and other data/GIS information that is not available online (i.e., not open to the public)?
Q: Would the Navy provide the consultant with access to their data and mapping as needed for this project?
A: SECOG and the SUBASE will provide as much as we can that is not classified / redacted.


  1. An Adobe-certified signature fulfills the “original signature” requirement.
  2. Please submit a completed EEO form using the link above. 
  3. The application should also include EEOs from all subcontractors, but only the bidder needs to provide the Non-Collusion Affidavit.