Regional Council of Governments
Metropolitan Planning Organization
- Regional Services
- Transportation Planning
- Shared Services Study
- SUBASE New London JLUS
- Regional Plan of Conservation and Development
- Resilience & Hazard Mitigation
- Utilities and Water Resources
- Economic Development
- Open Space Planning
- Fiscal Impact Analysis
- Emergency Management
- Regional Long-Term Recovery
- SECHA/Housing
- RHSCC/Human Services Coordination
- Sustainable CT Certification Assistance
- Statutory Referrals
The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments operates under the provisions of Sections 4-124i through 4-124p of the Connecticut General Statutes. As a Regional Council of Governments, SCCOG performs planning activities that promote coordinated growth and efficiency among its member municipalities. SCCOG activities include the following:
- Preparing a Regional Plan that documents region-wide goals and identifies actions necessary to achieve those goals;
- Coordinating planning projects involving multiple municipalities, such as Joint Land Use Study between six towns and the Naval submarine base;
- Assisting member municipalities in expanding opportunities for efficiency in municipal services (see Shared Services Study)
- Providing local planning services and technical assistance to member municipalities as needed;
- Supporting the development of coordinated plans by other agencies that affect southeastern Connecticut;
- Strengthening our regional community by helping coordinate regional agencies and programs;
- Advocating for the region and its towns with the State and Federal Governments.
SCCOG is the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for southeastern Connecticut. As an MPO, SCCOG develops regional transportation plans and works with the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CT DOT) to administer State and Federal funding for local transportation projects.