Transportation Documents


Policy Documents

Public Participation and Consultation Process for Transportation Planning (Amended 2020)

2025 Draft for Public Comment – Public Participation and Consultation Process for Transportation Planning 

FYE 2024/FYE 2025 UPWP

FYE 2021/FYE 2022 UPWP

FYE 2020/FYE 2021 UPWP Amended

FYE 2018/FYE 2019 UPWP

FYE 2016/FYE 2017 UPWP

Title VI and LEP Plan

Title VI Complaint Process Instructions

Title VI Complaint Form

Plans and Studies

Route 161 Corridor Study – Volume I Existing & Future Conditions – East Lyme, Connecticut (September 2022)

Route 161 Corridor Study – Volume II Concept Plan – East Lyme, Connecticut (August 2023)

Route 32 Corridor Study – New London, Connecticut (July 2023)

Regional Transportation Safety Plan (Updated June 2022)

Gold Star Bridge Northbound Span Multi-use Path Feasibility Study (CT DOT, 2021)

2019 Southeastern Connecticut Regional Bike and Pedestrian Plan

Metropolitan Transportation Plan (2023-2050)

Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2023-2050 (adopted 3/15/23)

SCCOG 2023 MTP Projects List

Ozone/PM2.5 Air Quality Conformity Determination

Metropolitan Transportation Plan (2019-2045) – Revised 2021

Ozone and PM2.5 Air Quality Conformity Determination (February 2022)

CT MPO Air Quality Conformity Resolutions (July 2022)

2017 Congestion Management Process Document

2017 Regional Freight Profile

2017 Groton-New London Airport Master Plan

2016 Southeast Area Transit Study Final Report


Regional Intermodal Transportation Center Master Plan and Efficiency Study:

Executive Summary

Sections 1-3

Sections 4-10

Appendices A-E

Appendices F-K

2010 Addendum: Analysis of Costs for Operation/Maintenance of Union Station and Parking Garage

Tri-Town Trail Master Plan

Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

The UPWP describes the planning objectives of SCCOG, as the region’s Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), and funding priorities for federal transportation planning funds. The UPWP is an bi-annual document, which follows a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive (3C) transportation planning process.

Metropolitan Transportation Plan

The Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), formerly known as the Long-range Transportation Plan (LRTP), sets priorities for Federal transportation funding in southeastern Connecticut. The LRTP is a living, 25-year document that identifies shared goals and the highest-priority transportation needs, including bridges, roads, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities. In conformance with Federal requirements, the LRTP is updated every four years.

Public Involvement

SCCOG’s mission and responsibilities under the law is to ensure that all transportation planning, policies, and programs are equitable. To that end, SCCOG has adopted policies adherent to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order #12898 of 1994, and other relevant Statutes and Executive Orders, contained in SCCOG’s Title VI and Limited English Proficiency (LEP) plan and process and Affirmative Action Program.

The Public Participation and Consultation Process is one that provides continuing opportunity for citizens and governmental agencies to express their views to be considered as part of transportation planning and decision-making. It also provides a safeguard for environmental justice concerns under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Additional Plans and Studies

Additional plans and studies are either required under Federal law, such as the Congestion Management Process Document, or were undertaken to address a specific need or planning priority, such as the Tri-Town Trail Master Plan.