Public Comment Period and Public Hearing – Air Quality Conformity Determination:

A public comment period for the adoption of “Ozone and PM2.5 Air Quality Conformity Determination of the 2019-2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plans and the 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Programs, As Amended” begins March 2, 2022 and ends April 20, 2022.

A public hearing will be held at the regular SCCOG Board Meeting scheduled Wednesday, April 20, 2022 via Zoom videoconference/teleconference. A meeting agenda and participation instructions will be posted here to the Meetings page approximately one week prior to the meeting. Written comments and questions may also be submitted to and

“Conformity” is a requirement of the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) Section 176(c) (42 U.S.C.7506(c)) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conformity regulations (40 CFR 93 Subpart A). These regulations require that each new Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) be demonstrated to conform to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) before an MTP and TIP is approved by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) or accepted by the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT); the Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is a MPO. This process ensures that transportation projects in the MTP and TIP are consistent with air quality goals and that progress is made toward achieving and maintaining Federal air quality standards. A conformity determination is undertaken to estimate emissions from a transportation system and demonstrate that those emissions are within the limits outlined in State air quality implementation plans.

Ozone and PM2.5 Air Quality Conformity Determination of the 2019-2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plans and the 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Programs, As Amended

Draft Resolution on Conformity with the Clean Air Act, Ozone

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