CTDOT’s State Matching Grant Program (MGP) provides funds to municipalities for new or expanded transportation services to seniors and people with disabilities, such as weekend, evening, or out of town services; additional days of service; or special trips. The current round is for a four-year funding period beginning July 1, 2024. Applications for funding may be submitted individually by municipalities, or, for partnerships, by a coordinating entity.
Coordinating entities may receive funds that are apportioned to one or several municipalities in lieu of those municipalities receiving those funds directly, In the past, Windham Region Transit District and the Towns of Montville and Groton have applied as coordinating entities. Funds available are determined by a formula which considers the share of seniors in a municipality and the land area of a municipality, and range from $8,855 per year in Sprague to $41,620 in Norwich. Grants must be matched 1:1 with local funds.
SE CT municipalities applying independently for funds must submit application materials to SCCOG. Applications developed by a Coordinating Entity (municipal partnerships) should be submitted directly to CTDOT (contact information is in application). All application materials are posted at the above CTDOT link. Information on how to complete the required documentation can be found in Attachment 3b- MGP Budget Instructions. Appendix A includes the table of apportioned funds by municipality. Note that the full application must be completed this year, but the additional documents (Maintenance of Effort Certification, Certificate of Insurance, and MGP Budget Worksheet) must be submitted by grant recipients on an annual basis.
All applications are due Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Applications from municipalities not applying via coordinating entity should be sent to SCCOG at office@seccog.org. SCCOG will collect these applications and forward them to CTDOT for further review. Coordinating entity applications should be sent directly to CTDOT.
For questions about this program, please contact Richard Nakatsuka at CTDOT (richard.nakatsuka@ct.gov, 860-594-2839), or SCCOG Transportation Program Manager Kate Rattan (krattan@seccog.org, 860-889-2324 x111.