The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (SECOG) is seeking qualifications and proposals from firms to prepare a Compatible Use Plan (CUP) for Submarine Base (SUBASE) New London and surrounding municipalities that expands and updates the 2017 SUBASE Joint Land Use Plan

To complete the CUP, SECOG was awarded an Installation and Resilience Grant by the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation, which provides funding for projects that increase collaboration between military installations and their host communities. Qualified firms will have experience in community planning, development and land use issues, and military installation management and operations. RFP submissions are due to Lana Melonakos-Harrison, Planner II, at, by February 7th, 2025 by 5:00 PM. 

Request for Proposals (PDF)


SCCOG, in partnership with Eversource and SUBASE New London, is seeking natural gas infrastructure design services to increase natural gas service resilience. Full project details are available in the Request for Quotes.

Note that quotes are due on November 26th by 4:00 PM. Please reach out to Helen Zincavage, Director of Regional Planning, at with any questions on project details by November 19th.

2025 TRIP and LOTCIP Solicitations Now Open

SCCOG is pleased to announce two solicitations for eligible transportation projects: (1) the
Transportation Rural Improvement Program (TRIP) and (2) the Local Transportation Capital
Improvement Program (LOTCIP). These State programs were established by the Connecticut
Department of Transportation (CTDOT) to provide funds to municipal governments for transportation
capital improvements projects. Eligible projects must have an estimated cost of at least $300,000
and follow the criteria outlined in the solicitations.

A virtual Information Session has been scheduled to provide an overview of each program and
answer any questions on November 20, 2024 at 2:30pm. The presentation and meeting recording will
be posted on the SCCOG website.

See more information on SCCOG’s Transportation Funding Sources and Assistance Page.

SCCOG Regional Transportation Safety Action Plan RFP/Q

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (SCCOG) is accepting statements of qualifications and scopes of services with associated fee proposals from qualified consulting firms and teams to update the Regional Safety Action Plan (SAP). This SAP update is funded through the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Safe Streets for All (SS4A) program. Qualified firms will have experience in transportation planning and traffic safety engineering. RFQ/P submissions are due October 16th by 12:00 PM.

RFQP Safety Action Plan

SCCOG Climate Week – HMCAP

As a commitment to ensuring public safety, operation of necessary community services, and protection of public investments, the Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (SCCOG) and its member municipalities undertake a variety of studies and planning processes to anticipate natural disasters. Since 2005, SCCOG member communities have complied with the federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, which requires local communities to have a FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan to be eligible to receive Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program grants and Post-Disaster Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funds, by developing a Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan.

With the latest revision to this plan, Southeastern Connecticut became the first region in the state to build long-term climate resilience and adaptation into its FEMA-approved plan, resulting in the 2023 Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Plan (HM-CAP). We welcome you to join in a discussion of the climate resilience elements that differentiate the HM-CAP from a traditional Hazard Mitigation Plan, and how local, regional, and partnership efforts have pivoted from planning to the implementation of specific HM-CAP Actions, especially in the areas of flooding and extreme heat mitigation.

9/24 Webinar Slides
9/24 Webinar Recording

SCCOG Municipal Solid Waste Report

SCCOG has released a report reviewing the state of solid waste management in southeastern Connecticut, including the infrastructure and cost challenges that municipalities face, and potential solutions. The report contains specific recommendations for state legislative and programmatic support and highlights local innovations. The report follows the 2023 creation of a SCCOG Municipal Solid Waste Subcommittee. For additional information, contact Emily Bigl (

Utility Resilience Table Top Exercise RFP/Q

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (SCCOG) is accepting statements of qualifications and scopes of services with associated fee proposal from qualified consulting firms and teams to develop, coordinate, conduct, and evaluate one or more Table Top Exercise(s) to test utility resilience at Submarine Base New London (SUBASE).

The Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC) awarded SCCOG an Infrastructure Resilience Grant to fund this Table Top Exercise evaluation of SUBASE utility resilience. Qualified firms will have experience in the areas of emergency response modeling and exercise development, and knowledge of defense industries. The full Request for Qualifications and Proposals document can be found at the following link:

RFQ/P submissions are due October 11th by 4:00 PM.
9/24/24 Update: The Q&A for this RFP is now available via this link

White Paper – Electric Vehicles

This report has been compiled by Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments to address the growing significance of electric vehicles (EVs) within the state and its implications for our communities. The purpose of this paper is to assist the COG and its member municipalities in identifying and supporting strategies for broader adoption of EVs across our region. This report addresses various aspects of EV deployment, including evolving technology, trends, grant opportunities, regulations, policies, and plans.

The report can be viewed and downloaded at

Public Information Meeting/ Reunión Pública: Gold Star Memorial Bridge Shared Use Path/Pedestrian Improvements

June 24, 2024 7 PM

Members of the public are invited to
State Project No. 0094-0267 – Gold Star Memorial Bridge Shared Use Path/Pedestrian Improvements
Cities of New London and Groton

More Information and registration for the public meeting: Flyer

Se invita a los miembros del público a la
Proyecto estatal n.º 0094-0267
Mejoramiento del Camino de Uso Compartido sobre el Puente Gold Star
New London y Groton

Información/Registro: Aviso de Reunion

Chelsea Harbor/Downtown Norwich Mobility Study Public Information Meeting

A Public Information Meeting for the Chelsea Harbor/Downtown Norwich Mobility Study will be held on June 5, 2024 from 5-7 PM at Norwich City Hall. This Public Information Meeting will provide an opportunity for residents and business owners to learn about proposed recommendations and options for transportation safety improvements and circulation changes for downtown Norwich. Attendees will be able to provide feedback to the Project Team about the recommendations and get questions answered. This feedback will be critical for guiding the final recommendations of the Chelsea Harbor/Downtown Norwich Mobility Study. Refreshments and pizza will be provided. Children are welcome.

Press Release 05/21/2024

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