Opportunity for Public Comment – Public Participation and Consultation Process for Transportation Planning:

SCCOG staff has proposed amendments to the Public Participation and Consultation Process for Transportation Planning, a document required for all Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) under 23 CFR 450.316. This document sets forth policies and practices that guide SCCOG in seeking input from individuals and organizations, in the transportation planning process. The 45-day public comment period will run from September 1 to October 15. Adoption of amendments will be considered and acted upon by the SCCOG Board at a regular, noticed meeting.

Existing Document

Proposed Document

RFP/RFQ – Regional Wastewater Management Plan:

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is seeking qualifications and proposals from firms to prepare a Regional Wastewater Management Plan. The plan will analyze the region’s existing wastewater treatment facilities, project future demand for upgrades to these facilities, evaluate the capacity of the existing facilities to meet that demand, and make recommendations for upgrades to existing, and for new, wastewater treatment facilities.

Interested firms must demonstrate knowledge and experience in wastewater management, wastewater treatment planning, sewer system planning and design, and other water resource planning and engineering practice areas. Statements of Qualifications and Project Proposals must be received by SCCOG no later than Friday, September 14, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. EST. Statements received after this deadline will not be considered.

Request for Qualifications/Proposals

RFP/RFQ – Fiscal Impact Analysis of Land Uses:

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is seeking qualifications and proposals from firms to prepare a fiscal impact analysis of land uses in southeastern Connecticut. The analysis will project municipal costs and revenues associated with current and future land uses for three prototypical urban, suburban, and rural municipalities in southeastern Connecticut and provide SCCOG with a fiscal impact model that can incorporate municipally-specific data inputs.

Interested firms must demonstrate knowledge and experience in real estate valuation, demographics, municipal services, transportation planning, and property tax policies. Statements of Qualifications and Project Proposals must be received by SCCOG no later than Friday, September 14, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. EST. Statements received after this deadline will not be considered.

Request for Qualifications/Proposals

RFP/RFQ – SUBASE New London Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) Implementation Project:

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is seeking qualifications and proposals from firms to prepare a Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) Implementation Project consisting of two parts:

  1. A land use, zoning, and transportation study in the Town of Groton in the vicinity of Naval Submarine Base New London (SUBASE New London).
  2. A regional analysis and long-range plan to accommodate growth and address compatibility issues related to the anticipated expansion of submarine shipbuilding in southeastern Connecticut, specifically in the areas of housing and transportation.

Firms are encouraged to submit proposals for one or both parts. Interested firms must demonstrate knowledge and experience in planning, land use, zoning, housing, transportation, and economic development; experience with JLUS implementation projects is desirable. Statements of Qualifications and Project Proposals must be received by SCCOG no later than Friday, August 31, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. EST. Statements received after this deadline will not be considered.

Request for Qualifications/Proposals

State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to Address Region’s Planners:

On July 19, 2018, at 9 a.m., SCCOG staff will host a session by Ms. Mary Dunne from the Connecticut State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Ms. Dunne is the Certified Local Government and Grants Coordinator at SHPO. She will present an overview of SHPO’s role in local historic preservation, as well as the technical and financial (i.e. grant opportunities) resources available to municipalities.

Please RSVP to Amanda Kennedy if you are planning to attend.

RFP/Q – Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan:

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is seeking qualifications and proposals from firms to prepare a Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan on behalf of its member municipalities. The Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan will encompass a unified vision and goals; robust public outreach; data collection; network analysis and routing; database establishment; and graphics and branding to carry the plan forward into implementation.

Responses to this Request must be received by SCCOG no later than Friday, June 1st, 2018, at 3:30 p.m. Responses received after this deadline will not be considered.

Questions may be directed to Katherine Rattan, AICP, at krattan@seccog.org or at (860) 889-2324.

Request for Proposals/Qualifications

Frequently Asked Questions (5/22)

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