SCCOG Adopts Regional Wastewater Management Plan:

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments adopted a Regional Wastewater Management Plan on July 17. The plan creates an understanding of the current condition of the centralized wastewater systems in the region, contains projections for demand and facility capacity, identifies infrastructure at-risk to natural hazards, and establishes recommendations for local and regional solutions to meet projected wastewater demand.

Regional Wastewater Management Plan (2019)

Public Workshop – SUBASE New London Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) Regional Housing/Transportation Plan:

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is conducting a study to identify and plan for future demands for housing and transportation across the region as a result of expanded activities at General Dynamics Electric Boat and Naval Submarine Base New London (SUBASE New London).

Attend a public workshop on July 15th to learn more about this initiative, review findings, and provide feedback on initial, recommended housing strategies and transportation improvements. Visit for more information.

Workshop Announcement

Public Input Sought on Interstate 95, Exit 74 Improvements:

A public comment period is open through June 7th on proposed improvements to the Interstate 95, Exit 74 interchange (Route 161) in East Lyme. Comments may be directed to

On May 23rd, 2019 the Connecticut Department of Transportation presented the preliminary design for Project No. 44-156: I-95 Interchange 74 Improvements at Route 161. This 3-4 year project is anticipated to begin in the summer of 2021, and will utilize approximately $142 million in Federal and State transportation funds.


The Connecticut Port Authority Opens New Round of Harbor Improvement Projects Program (SHIPP) Grants:

On April 24, 2019, the Connecticut Port Authority (CPA) issued a Request for Applications (RFA) for project funding under the Small Harbor Improvement Projects Program (SHIPP), a competitive grant program managed by the CPA. Under SHIPP, Connecticut municipalities and other entities, with property in or adjacent to waters of the state, may apply for matching funds to conduct a project that improves infrastructure or management of their local waterway.

All applications are due to the Connecticut Port Authority by 4:00 p.m. on June 12th. For the application and more information, please visit

Three Bicycle and Pedestrian “Tactical Engagement” Demonstrations Planned:

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments has planned the following events, related to the region’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.

Norwich Tactical Engagement (Bicycle Facilities) – April 28-29th:

Central Avenue, Norwich.

Protected facilities, separated from motor vehicles with more than just stripes painted on asphalt, are the new normal for high-quality bikeways. Come see a demonstration of a two-way separated, bicycle facility on Central Avenue in Norwich, April 28 and 29! We want your feedback to help inform the future of bicycle transportation in Southeastern Connecticut, so be sure to check in with one of our volunteers or staff while you’re visiting.

Griswold Tactical Engagement (Placemaking) – May 4th:

Fanning Court, Jewett City.

Alleys can be dark and scary, but they can also be inviting, fun, lively spaces, when designed properly. May 4th is the day of Griswold’s annual Night Light Parade, and we’ll be preparing through the day, dressing up Fanning Court (the alley between Uncle Kranky’s Cafe and Mandarin Garden) for the occasion with lighting, paint, and more! With a small monetary investment and a healthy injection of volunteer time, smarts, and muscle, almost any underutilized outdoor space can be transformed into an attractive, colorful, and welcoming place. Please come by that afternoon or evening to see what we’ve done!

Groton Tactical Engagement (Way Finding) – May 11-24th:

Multi-use path between Gold Star Bridge and the Naval Submarine Base, Groton.

Signs for biking and walking can do a lot more than point you in the right direction; a signage system can also provide distance to destination, time to destination, and even “brand” a bikeway or bike/walk network. We are piloting such a system on a route in Groton connecting the US Naval Submarine Base New London and the Gold Star Bridge, between May 11 and 24, and we hope you’ll come to check it out! We want to know what you think of the route, the information on the signs, and the aesthetics of the signs too, so please check in with a volunteer or staffer if you see one set up beside the route. Your feedback will help inform decisions to be made in Groton and across Southeastern Connecticut!

Metropolitan Transportation Plan:

SCCOG adopted its 2019-2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) on March 20th.

The MTP is a policy document with a 25-year horizon, which sets priorities for Federal transportation funding in southeastern Connecticut. The MTP studies existing conditions and transportation needs, and makes recommendations for transportation improvements through the year 2045. The MTP is updated every four years.

Metropolitan Transportation Plan (2019-2045)

Transportation Project Solicitation – Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP):

SCCOG is accepting applications for the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), through April 19th. TAP funds are used for bicycle, pedestrian, and transit enhancements.

SCCOG is apportioned $1.18M in funding of FFY2021 – FFY2025. Successful applications will meet eligibility criteria, cost a minimum of $500,000, and have a local cash match of at least 20%.

SCCOG will hold an informational meeting for municipal staff on March 8th, 2pm, at SCCOG offices. R.S.V.P to Kate Rattan –

Solicitation Memo – SCCOG

Solicitation Letter – CT DOT

2016 TAP Federal Guidance

CT Surface Transportation Block Grant Program form

2021 TAP Cost-estimate Template

CT DOT 2017 Cost Estimating Guidelines

TAP Presentation (3/11/19)

Public Comment Period and Public Hearing – Draft Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP):

A public comment period for the Draft Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) will begin February 8, 2019 and end March 12th. SCCOG will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, February 27th at 5pm, located at SCCOG Offices: 5 Connecticut Avenue, Norwich, CT. Please submit written comments by mail to SCCOG offices (address above) or by email to 

The MTP is a policy document with a 25-year horizon, which sets priorities for Federal transportation funding in southeastern Connecticut. The MTP studies existing conditions and transportation needs, and makes recommendations for transportation improvements through the year 2045. The MTP is updated every four years.

Draft MTP as of February 8, 2019

Air Quality Conformity Resolution

Regional Transportation Conformity Report

Conformity Determination Report

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