Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP) Application Solicitation:

SCCOG is now soliciting transportation projects proposals for funding by the Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP), through the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CT DOT). The SCCOG region has  approximately $8 Million available in funding for this round of LOTCIP projects, and it is anticipated that the program will continue to be funded in future years, with an annual allocation of $5 Million to southeastern Connecticut.

Eligible transportation projects include reconstruction and rehabilitation of roads functionally classified as Urban Collector or higher, bridges meeting the Federal definition in 23 CFR 650.305, and stand-alone sidewalk projects. Projects must have an estimated cost of $300,000 or more. LOTCIP requires municipalities to fund 100% of design costs; the State funds 100% of construction costs.

SCCOG member municipalities are invited to provide one or more LOTCIP pre-applications no later than 2:00pm on March 18th. Please see the memo below for more details regarding the application process.



SCCOG LOTCIP guidelines

Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) to Host Land Use Commissioner Training with SCCOG:

The Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR), of the UConn Extension service, will host free training for municipal land use commissioners on April 29th and May 13th. Please register before April 17th, 2020 by calling 860-889-2324 or E-mailing office@seccog.org. Please mention Land Use Workshop in the subject line.


April 29th, 7:00 PM, at SCCOG Offices (5 Connecticut Avenue, Norwich)
Topic: Legal Requirements & Procedures; Roles & Responsibilities
Presenter: Bruce Hyde, AICP, Land Use Academy Director, UConn CLEAR

May 13th, 7:00 PM, at SCCOG Offices (5 Connecticut Avenue, Norwich)
Topic: Fundamentals of Reading Plans
Presenter: Bruce Hyde, AICP, Land Use Academy Director, UConn CLEAR

Eastern Connecticut Land Bank Makes Presentation at SCCOG Meeting:

Members of the board of the Eastern Connecticut Land Bank presented to the SCCOG Board of Directors on January 15th. The Eastern Connecticut Land Bank is a newly formed organization with the mission of providing support to eastern Connecticut municipalities with and/or contaminated properties. The Eastern Connecticut Land Bank is envisioned to be a partner organization in acquiring, investigation, remediating, and marketing properties, such as brownfields, for reuse. The Eastern Connecticut Land Bank is seeking certification from the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (CT DECD) as a “Brownfield Lank Bank”.


Report: Regional Plan for Housing and Transportation Associated with Expansion of Submarine Ship-building in Southeastern Connecticut (SUBASE New London Joint Land Use Study Implementation Project):

The JLUS Implementation Plan projects future demands across the region for housing and transportation and recommends policies and infrastructure investments to meet those demands. The project was funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment with the participation of SUBASE New London and the Cities of New London and Groton and Towns of Ledyard, Montville, Groton, and Waterford. A second phase of the project, still in progress, is reviewing Town of Groton land use regulations applicable to properties immediately adjacent to SUBASE New London.


Resumen en Español (Spanish-language Summary)

Public Comment Period/Periodo de Revisión Pública/公众评论的机会 – Revisions to Public Participation and Consultation Process for Transportation Planning:

The Southeastern CT Council of Governments will open a public comment period from November 10, 2019 to December 25, 2019 on revisions to the agency’s Public Participation and Consultation Process for Transportation Planning. Click here for a copy of the proposed revisions.

Comments should be submitted in writing via email to office@seccog.org or to SCCOG, 5 Connecticut Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360.

Regional Bike and Pedestrian Plan, Final Draft – Comment Period Open through October 20th, 2019

The Final Draft of the 2019 Southeastern Connecticut Regional Bike and Pedestrian Plan is available for review and comment at www.bikewalksect.com. The 2019 Southeastern Connecticut Regional Bike and Pedestrian Plan inventories regional programs and assets, identifies a regional network for cyclists, analyzes pedestrian environments, and culminates in recommendations that will lead to a more bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly region.

A Public Meeting is scheduled for October 10th, 5:30pm, at the Groton Senior Center, 102 Newtown Road, Groton, CT.

Comments may be submitted electronically to Kate Rattan (SCCOG) and/or Kevin Tedesco (AECOM), or in-person at the October 10 meeting.

Kate Rattan, AICP
Planner III/Transportation Program Manager
Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments

Kevin Tedesco
Transportation Planner

New White Paper: Short-term Rentals

Short term rentals, or STRs, (known colloquially by their brand names such as ‘Airbnbs’ and ‘VRBOs,’ short for ‘Vacation Rental By Owners’) are currently a growing segment of the travel market. This paper discusses common land-use issues related to STRs, the current law, and ways in which towns may regulate STRs.

White Paper

Annual DEEP Greenways Council Trails Symposium

The Governor’s Greenways Council, in partnership with Goodwin College, is excited to announce its fourth annual Connecticut Trails Symposium will take place October 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the College’s East Hartford campus (Community Room, 211 Riverside Dr).

Sign Up

SCCOG Completes Fiscal Impact Analysis Report and Tool

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments, with assistance from 4ward Planning, Inc., recently completed a two-phase project concerning municipal expenditures and the fiscal impacts of land development in member municipalities.

Phase One of the project produced a report that examines municipal and school-district expenditures and liabilities. The report profiles each community and identifies regional trends. Phase Two of the project built upon data collected during Phase One to create individualized tools for each municipality. The Phase Two tools are intended to estimate new tax revenue and municipal and school-district expenditures associated with future residential, commercial, and industrial development, based on project-specific inputs from municipal staff.

Phase One Report

City of Norwich to Hold Public Input Session for Safety Improvements to Central Avenue Corridor, Greenville

The City of Norwich will host a forum to receive community input into planned pedestrian-safety improvements to Central Avenue in Greenville. Planned improvements include painted pedestrian bumpouts and curb extensions.

Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Greenville Fire Department Community Room, 446 North Main Street, Norwich, CT 06360
Primary Contact: Dan Daniska, Assistant City Planner. P- 860.823.3745 x3773. E- ddaniska@cityofnorwich.org


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