Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP) Application Solicitation:

SCCOG is now soliciting transportation projects proposals for funding by the Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP), through the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CT DOT). The SCCOG region has  approximately $8 Million available in funding for this round of LOTCIP projects, and it is anticipated that the program will continue to be funded in future years, with an annual allocation of $5 Million to southeastern Connecticut.

Eligible transportation projects include reconstruction and rehabilitation of roads functionally classified as Urban Collector or higher, bridges meeting the Federal definition in 23 CFR 650.305, and stand-alone sidewalk projects. Projects must have an estimated cost of $300,000 or more. LOTCIP requires municipalities to fund 100% of design costs; the State funds 100% of construction costs.

SCCOG member municipalities are invited to provide one or more LOTCIP pre-applications no later than 2:00pm on March 18th. Please see the memo below for more details regarding the application process.



SCCOG LOTCIP guidelines