Draft 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) Now Available for Public Comment

Public Comment is requested on the Draft 2025-2028 TIP, 2025-2028 State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP), and the February 2024 Air Quality Conformity Determination. SCCOG will hold a virtual public information session/hearing on April 2. Public Comments will be accepted through April 19.

SCCOG Public Comment Period (SCCOG TIP) / Aviso Público: Programa de Mejora del Transporte / 公告-交通改善计划

SCCOG will hold a public comment period between March 15th and April 19thSCCOG will present the TIP at a virtual public hearing on April 2, 2024 at 5:00 pm with an opportunity to provide comment (telephone users may call in to 309-205-3325, Meeting ID 832 7974 3606). A recording of the presentation will be made available. Members of the public may also provide written and verbal comments in the following formats:

  • Letter mailed to 5 Connecticut Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360.
  • E-mail to office@seccog.org
  • Phone: 860-889-2324

SCCOG Documents:

2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Plan (Draft)

SCCOG TIP Project List (Draft)

2025-2028 TIP Detailed Project Information

Air Quality Conformity Determination 2024

Map of Projects

CTDOT Public Comment Period (Draft 2025-2028 STIP)
In accordance with the provisions of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), 23 U.S.C. §135, the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) has developed a draft 2025-2028 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) covering all areas of Connecticut. The STIP lists all federally funded transportation improvements, by funding category and region, which are scheduled to occur over the next four years.

The CTDOT will hold a public comment period for the draft STIP and accompanying draft Air Quality Conformity Determination from May 1st to May 31st, 2024, A public information meeting will be held May 15th, 2024 at 1:30 pm and 7:00 pm. Instructions for providing public comments, meeting information, and draft documents are located here on the CTDOT website.

Comments should be addressed to:

Mrs. Maribeth Wojenski

Transportation Assistant Planning Director

Bureau of Policy and Planning

Connecticut Department of Transportation

P.O. Box 317546

Newington, CT 06131-7546


Emailed to: DOT.STIPComments@ct.gov

CTDOT Documents:

Connecticut Transportation Improvement Plan 2025-2028 (Draft)

Draft 2025-2028 STIP Projects by Project Number (.pdf)

Draft 2025-2028 STIP Projects by Funding Code (.xls)

Draft 2025-2028 STIP Projects by Funding Code (.pdf)

2025 Safety Report

2025 Bridge Report

How do the TIP and STIP affect me?

The TIP and STIP document the projects proposed for implementation over a four-year period. Projects include maintenance and improvements to roads and bridges and public transportation systems as well as sidewalks, multi-use paths, and ferries.

What is Air Quality Conformity?

“Conformity” is a requirement of the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments Section 176(c) (42 U.S.C.7506(c)) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conformity regulations (40 CFR 93 Subpart A). These regulations require that each new Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) be demonstrated to conform to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) before an MTP and TIP is approved by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) or accepted by the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT); the Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is an MPO. This process ensures that transportation projects in the MTP and TIP are consistent with air quality goals and that progress is made toward achieving and maintaining Federal air quality standards. A conformity determination is undertaken to estimate emissions from a transportation system and demonstrate that those emissions are within the limits outlined in State air quality implementation plans.

If language assistance is needed, please contact SCCOG at 860-889-2324, office@seccog.org.
Si necesita asistencia lingüística, por favor comuníquesea 860-889-2324, office@seccog.org.
如果您需要语言帮助,请致电860-889-2324发送电子邮件至 office@seccog.org.

Transportation Alternatives Program Funding Now Available

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is soliciting candidate projects for Transportation Alternatives (TA) Program funding. These funds are made available to the State through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and are administered by CTDOT. SCCOG is responsible for collecting, reviewing, and prioritizing applications for candidate projects in southeastern CT.

Applications for funding must be received by SCCOG by Monday, April 15, 2024. Applications for previous funding rounds must be re-submitted for consideration.

The Federal Transportation Alternatives Program provides funding for a variety of transportation projects such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities; construction of turnouts, overlooks, and viewing areas; community improvements such as historic preservation and vegetation management; environmental mitigation related to stormwater and habitat connectivity; recreational trails; safe routes to school projects; and vulnerable road user safety assessments. Regionally significant projects will be prioritized for funding above smaller-scale projects that are eligible for other state and federal funds.

To receive TA Program funding a project must:

• Be submitted by an eligible entity with a complete application

• Be deliverable in FFY 2026 – FFY 2031 (design complete/construction started)

• Have a minimum cost of $500,000.00 (projects are not to be combined to meet this minimum threshold). Approximately $3,000,000 will be available each year for projects in small urban and rural areas in the FFY 2026-2031 timeframe.

SCCOG will review applications for completeness and project eligibility and rank them according to the Project Solicitation Screen and Scoring Criteria Sheet.



March 26, 2024: SCCOG Webinar reviewing funding opportunity (10 AM via zoom). March 26 Presentation Slides.

April 15, 2024: Deadline to submit initial application.

April 15- May 15: SCCOG will review applications for completeness and accuracy and may request additional information.

May 29, 2024: Deadline to submit final application signed by municipal CEO.

June 19, 2024: SCCOG Board approval of project prioritization.



(for word and excel files, right click link and choose “save as”)

FHWA Transportation Alternatives Guidance

Application for Funding (2024 New Project Solicitation)

Cost Estimate Template

Project Selection Criteria

Brownfield Assessment Projects RFQ/P

3/22/24 Update: SCCOG’s updated Brownfield Assessment Project Request for Qualifications and Proposals, which includes answers to questions that have been asked since the RFQP release,  can be found at the following link: https://tinyurl.com/y3wvws2a

As a reminder, submissions are due on Thursday, March 28th, 2024 by 5:00 P.M.

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (SCCOG) is accepting statements of qualifications and scopes of services with associated fee proposal from engineering/environmental consulting firms and teams to complete environmental assessments of four properties and structures located within the Southeastern CT region.  

The Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) awarded SCCOG multiple separate Brownfield Assessment Grants to complete assessment work for each location. This RFQ/P is a combined request for one qualified/licensed environmental firm experienced in brownfield site assessment to perform requested services at all four of the enumerated brownfield sites. The full Request for Qualifications and Proposals document can be found at the following link: https://tinyurl.com/yvnb7tt9. RFQ/P submissions are due March 28th by 5:00 PM.   

2024 LOTCIP Solicitation

SCCOG is pleased to announce a solicitation for eligible projects under the Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP). Municipalities are eligible for State grants for transportation projects providing 100% of eligible construction costs. The 2024 solicitation seeks to allocate $15,000,000 in funding. Read the announcement for more information. At 9 a.m. on March 26th SCCOG will provide a Pre-Application Presentation, meeting information will be posted and the session will be recorded.



Plan-Study Reference Checklist.pdf

March 26, 2024 Information Session




Active Transportation Microgrant Program for Bike/Ped Activities

March 1, 2024

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments is pleased to announce that it is partnering with the Connecticut Department of Transportation to offer Active Transportation Microgrants of up to $5,000 to eligible recipients to fund small active transportation projects. CTDOT has allocated $500,000 in microgrants to be distributed across Connecticut through this new program. The goal of the grant program is to provide equitable, safe, accessible, and sustainable access to transportation by making it safer for people of all ages to walk, bike and roll, thereby encouraging more people to use these healthy and environmentally sustainable modes of travel.

Available Funds:        

Up to $5,000 per grant. No match is required. Applicants may apply for funding twice per calendar year.

Eligible Recipients:    

Schools, school districts, municipalities, and 501 (c)(3) non-profit organizations

Eligible Activities:       

Bicycle helmets, Bicycle locks, Bicycle maintenance training and materials, Bicycle fleets including adaptive bicycles safety vests for pedestrians, Safety vests for pedestrians, League Cycling Instructor (LCI) training, Programs, events and materials for pedestrian and bicycle safety education

Application Deadline:  Applications will be reviewed thereafter on a quarterly basis. Next deadline: June 20, 2024.

Applications should be emailed to office@seccog.org. Upon receipt, applications will be reviewed for eligibility by SCCOG and CTDOT and applicants will receive a notification as to whether the application will be funded.

Please visit ct.gov/SafeRoutes for the program guidelines and application. Questions about this program may be directed to Kristen Levesque, Transportation Engineer Safe Routes to School Coordinator at Kristen.Levesque@ct.gov. SCCOG staff can be reached at 860-889-2324 or by emailing office@seccog.org.

Affordable and Fair Housing Training for Municipal Land Use Commissioners

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (SCCOG) has partnered with the Southeastern Connecticut Housing Alliance (SECHA) to host an Affordable and Fair Housing Training for Municipal Land Use Commissioners on October 25, 2023 from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM. This training will satisfy the mandatory 1 hour of affordable and fair housing policy training for municipal land use officials. Topics include: Municipal Land Use Planning and Zoning Responsibilities Under the Fair Housing Act; Zoning to Promote Diverse Housing Options; and, What is Affordable Housing, Who Needs It, and How Has It Evolved Over the Years? The training will be held in-person at SCCOG offices at 5 Connecticut Ave, Norwich, CT.

Attendance is limited, please RSVP by emailing office@seccog.org or calling (860) 889-2324.

Request for Qualifications- Website/Graphic Design

SCCOG is requesting qualification statements from firms interested in updating SCCOG’s website and publication templates.

A request for qualifications is available here. Please send your statement of interest and link to project portfolio to office@seccog.org by January 15, 2024. 

Short-Term Rental Regulation:

Updated SCCOG White Paper Now Available

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments has updated its white paper reviewing options for regulating short-term rentals, originally published in 2019 and revised in 2021. As the short-term rental industry matures, more municipalities are evaluating the best way to ensure short-term rentals are safe and do not negatively impact their communities. Click here for the white paper.

SCCOG Kicks Off Chelsea Harbor/Downtown Norwich Mobility Study

The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (SCCOG) has received a CTDOT grant to conduct a Corridor Study of downtown Norwich. SCCOG has selected the consulting firm VHB to conduct the study, who will work with their subconsultant VN Engineers, to prepare a plan that will provide streets that are safe and accessible for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit users of all ages and abilities. The study goals include improvements to livability, mobility, access to essential services, safe routes to the waterfront and Howard T. Brown Park, the Intermodal Transportation Center, the Norwich Marina and other downtown destinations. This will be accomplished through expanded bicycle facilities, sidewalk network improvements, and the reconfiguration of multi-lane, high-speed through streets that currently exist as a barrier between downtown proper and the City’s waterfront area, East, and West Side neighborhoods. The study will develop alternatives to the current configuration and traffic flows of the study area with the above goals in mind. The study process includes a number of opportunities for public engagement and input; to learn of these events and more about the study, please visit the study website at: https://www.downtownnorwichmobilitystudy.com/

The public survey for the Chelsea Harbor/Downtown Norwich Study is open! Give us your feedback about traveling in Downtown Norwich. What issues do you experience?

https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MFBKFVB (English)

https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/F3L5BPX (Spanish)

A Public Information Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM at Otis Library in Norwich.

The meeting will provide an opportunity for residents and business owners to learn about the project’s purpose, provide invaluable input for the development of recommendations and allow the public to get in-person answers from the project team.

  • The Otis Library is ADA accessible
  • Parking is available at the Railroad Ave. lot, Cliff Street lot, and on Main Street
  • Refreshments and pizza will be provided
  • Children are welcome
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